If marketing your services would be as easy as 1-2-3. Not needing to show up daily on socials… not needing to post videos, when you have so many beautiful photos ready to be shown off!

Waking up to messages of people inquiring about your services for their special day, without you needing to lift a finger. All of that while you edit peacefully in the coffee shop, binge Friends on Netflix, or go out with your partner and friends.


Why You Should Be On Pinterest

I love to base my strategy on data (that’s why it works so well!) So this is what I need you to know!

445 million people use Pinterest every month to find ideas and inspiration.

40 million people a year use Pinterest to plan for their weddings. 

Imagine 40 MILLION! people are already pinning their dream bouquet inspiration, dream decor, dream venues, and most certainly, their photo inspirations.

Let’s harness the power of SEO, Pinterest & blogging into your business so you can serve more people and grow your business easily while doing so.



Who It's For:

Investment: One-time Payment $1500

Yes, Please!  ›

Let’s turn your Pinterest account into a client attraction machine!


  • Pinterest account set up and optimized to become searchable and attractive to your ideal client

  • Well-researched keyword bank to help you become visible and grow

  • Recorded tutorials of all my processes so that you can confidently take over and run your Pinterest

  • Custom Pinterest Strategy developed with your specific goals in mind

  • 90 Days of Custom Pins created and scheduled to give you a headstart with your strategy 

What's Included:

For the wedding photographer and wedding creative who knows the value of Pinterest, but is not ready to outsource it just yet. Whether you’re already using Pinterest but not seeing the results you’ve been hoping for, whether you want a refresher of your current Pinterest strategy or haven’t used it yet at all, this package will help you start your Pinterest journey with the right foot forward.

In only a week you will be confident in your Pinterest strategy and know that you’ve got the tools to make it work for your business!


Who It's For:

Investment: $600 PER MONTH

This is for me!  ›

Reap all the benefits Pinterest has to offer without moving a finger!

Pinterest Management

  • Complete account management

  • Customized Pinterest Strategy to help you reach your business goals

  • Daily eye-catching pins

  • Regular high-end profile + board optimization 

  • Monthly analytics report

What's Included:

The high touch experience for the wedding photographer and wedding creative who is ready to take away the stress of marketing and business growth and hand it over to a Pinterest Manager who will do it for you.

The ultimate Pinterest management for wedding photographers and pro's to generate leads on autopilot while you are off on your next adventures!

* Please note! I require a 6 month minimum contract to ensure the best results for your business.


Who It's For:

Investment: $450 per month

Let's Do it!  ›

Let’s showcase your work and get you discovered on page 1 of Google!

Blogging Management

  • 3 beautifully curated, SEO-optimized blogs per month (2 portfolio, 1 evergreen!)

  • Custom blogging strategy based on your goals to help you rank for your dream sessions, locations, and venues so that you book more of the weddings & elopements you’d LOVE to be a part of

  • Curated images from your gallery to showcase your work and blend in seamlessly with the copy, creating a connection and a captivating experience for your dream clients

What's Included:

For the wedding photographer or wedding creative who knows the value of blogging and wants to get their work seen and found on Google! I’ll create 4 beautiful, SEO-optimized blogs every month, and start driving mad traffic of your dream clients to your website, while you sit back, relax and focus on doing what you LOVE!

Investment: $1000 per month

I'm All In!  ›

  • Complete account management

  • Customized Pinterest & Blogging Strategy to help you reach your business goals

  • Daily eye-catching pins

  • Regular high-end profile + board optimization 

  • 3 beautifully curated, SEO-optimized blogs per month

  • Images taken straight from your gallery to showcase your work and blend in seamlessly with the copy, creating a connection and a captivating experience for your dream clients

  • Monthly analytics report

What's Included:

For the wedding photographer or wedding creative who is ready to bring their business to the next level by investing in the ultimate SEO power couple = Pinterest & Blogging. Get visible on two powerful search engines, skyrocket your website traffic, and make SEO & your content work harder for you, so that you can get your dream clients running to you!

Who It's For:

The ultimate SEO power duo to help you build the sustainable business of your dreams

Pinterest + Blogging Management


Contact Me  ›

Client  love


I'm a bit of a control freak, and I was so impressed with how easy it was to hand over my Pinterest & blogging to Paula. She's very organized, knows exactly what she's doing, and is super friendly and professional. She's also super responsive, which definitely makes it so much easier on me to give away a little part of my business!

Working with Paula is beyond to what I imagined working with someone would be like! I love that she's taking care of everything and all I need to do is check the analytics (which are POPPIN') and share my galleries. Honestly, couldn't recommend her enough!

I absolutely love working with Paula! Not only does she help me with my business, but she has also been there for me when I just needed a chat. And I'm so happy to get some of my social life back without Pinterest being at the back of my mind lol

I was so nervous to work with a Pinterest manager at first, but I am so glad that I did! My Pinterest has been growing faster than ever. I get tons of engagement on my work (definitely more than on Instagram!) which has also lead to more inquiries from my website! I defo recommend working with Paula!