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You are here because you know that you need to show up on Pinterest and Google for the best results of being visible to your ideal client and receiving dream inquiries, right? You know it is what you need to do, but maybe you are stuck for ideas and what will perform best. Well, as […]

Pinterest and Blog Ideas for Elopement Photographers

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If you are a wedding or elopement photographer you are in the right place! Because as a Pinterest manager, I am here to help your photography business thrive through platforms that your ideal client is using!  You know that an essential part of your business is marketing, but there is a difference between showing up […]

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Why Wedding Photographers Need Blogging and Pinterest

April 30, 2024

Pinterest is not what many people think it is. The platform isn’t quite a social network like you know them. Pinterest is much more than a photo-sharing app or a virtual scrapbook, and it plays an important role for wedding and elopement photographers, like you. Pinterest functions similarly to a search engine in that you […]

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Why You Need to Promote Your Blog on Pinterest

October 30, 2023

If you are a wedding or elopement photographer, you know that you need to be on Pinterest!  Your ideal clients are on there creating their vision boards, looking for wedding suppliers and planning their weddings. Therefore, you want to be on there, showing up and standing out from your competitors.  It is pretty easy to […]

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A Guide to Pinterest for Photographers

September 12, 2023