The Blog

Why You Need to Promote Your Blog on Pinterest

Pinterest is not what many people think it is. The platform isn’t quite a social network like you know them. Pinterest is much more than a photo-sharing app or a virtual scrapbook, and it plays an important role for wedding and elopement photographers, like you.

Pinterest functions similarly to a search engine in that you can share and bookmark your favourite content. The platform performs numerous functions that make using it a unique personal experience. But what is the relationship between blogging and Pinterest?

As a Pinterest manager, I am going to tell you why you need to promote your blog on Pinterest…

4 Reasons to Promote Your Blog on Pinterest

  • Another Source of Traffic to Your Website
  • Your Ideal Client is on Pinterest
  • Pinterest is a Positive Platform
  • You Are Giving Your Audience More
an aesthetic workspace setup with a laptop, post it notes, notebooks and other stationary

Another Source of Traffic to Your Website

Getting as much traffic to your website is your goal because the more traffic the better the results. Linking your blog on Pinterest Pins, will result in increased visibility and more bookings. 

While Pinterest traffic takes some time to build (approx 4 months, but it can be longer!), it is an excellent way to drive more people to your website. The platform functions similarly to a search engine, which means that others can find you if you use your pins and boards strategically.

Your Ideal Client is on Pinterest

One of the primary reasons so many people dislike Pinterest is that it is not as well-known as some of the other major social media platforms. However, calling it small would be a mistake especially in your industry. And, how can your ideal client dislike Pinterest? It’s impossible!

With less competition than on many other platforms, this presents a huge opportunity for you to promote your blog on Pinterest, and build your presence over competitors. 

You could significantly increase your blog’s audience if you’re willing to be patient and regularly publish valuable content to your Pinterest page. Once you get the swing of it and your content is well-optimised your traffic and visibility will significantly increase.

Your ideal clients are on Pinterest as it’s the perfect way for them to plan their weddings and elopement with vision boards and research suppliers.

a blogger working in an aesthetic coffee shop

Pinterest is a Positive Platform

Some social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, can be very easy to fall into the trap of toxicity.

While all of the social networks mentioned above can be beneficial for developing an online presence, it is not worth it if your mental health suffers as a result. If you’re looking for an alternative, Pinterest might be worth considering.

In general, Pinterest contains less vitriol than many other platforms.

This means that the vibes are much more positive over on this social media platform, so promoting your blog on Pinterest means the enquiries coming through to your website will be from ideal clients who are much more aligned with you, and you know they have come from a positive space.

You Are Giving Your Audience More

Your ideal client will be scrolling on Pinterest looking at all things to do with wedding planning and they may come across your post. If you have your blog linked to your Pin (a blog that is relevant to the Pin) then they have access to more information on the subject!

This is a brilliant way to build trust and authority. Once they have landed on your website reading your blog post, they may find themselves scrolling through your website to see what you are all about and that is your goal!

Ready For Dream Enquries?

If you are a wedding or elopement photographer then I am glad you are here ready to up your SEO game! Google is the number one platform to promote your business, and what better what to do it than through two platforms that your ideal clients are using?

Now you know why you need to promote your blog on Pinterest it is time to take action! If you are in need of help perfecting your Pinterest strategy or you would like someone to take care of your blogging and Pinterest profile for the best results, then get in touch!

If you’re not quite ready to outsource, check out my free Pinterest guide to help you on your DIY journey!

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