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A Guide to Pinterest for Photographers

If you are a wedding or elopement photographer, you know that you need to be on Pinterest

Your ideal clients are on there creating their vision boards, looking for wedding suppliers and planning their weddings. Therefore, you want to be on there, showing up and standing out from your competitors. 

It is pretty easy to post one of your images now and then, however, that isn’t going to cut it. You need a consistent and strategic schedule when it comes to Pinterest so you build up your authority, you start receiving traffic to your pins and so ideal clients see your work and want to book you.

As a Pinterest Manager for photographers, I know how to get you visible and I know how to get you results. So, to give you a kickstart I have created a guide to Pinterest for photographers, like you!

5 Things to Consider on Pinterest for Photographers

  • Set Up a Business Account
  • Use Keywords in Your Profile, Boards and Pins
  • Create Your Boards and Descriptions
  • Valuable Pin Ideas 
  • Include Your Blog Posts
business table scape

Set Up a Business Account

Whether you’re new to Pinterest or have an existing personal account, now is the time to upgrade to a business account. After all, you are a business! 

The business account provides detailed analytics on your impressions, pins, and overall Pinterest performance. Pinterest for photographers requires you to set up your account properly for the best results and visibility.

Use Keywords in Your Profile, Boards, and Pins

Although Pinterest is a visual search engine, it still requires you to use specific keywords so that it can display your pins when someone searches for your content – it is a search engine, similar to Google in a way.

Keywords also help people understand what your account is about and whether it is something they are interested in. You must be direct and clear about the purpose of your account so you attract your dream, ideal clients.

Pinterest for photographers requires specific keywords that are relevant to you and what you are offering your audience.

Create Your Boards and Descriptions

Pinterest boards are categories that allow you to organize your pins into folders. You should create boards that are relevant to your niche so that you can pin multiple pins that are specific to the topic of that board.

Consider what keywords to include in your board titles and descriptions so Pinterest (and your dream clients!) can find you – this means they will be optimized, and you have a higher chance of being seen!

Valuable Pin Ideas

A really important part of your Pinterest marketing strategy is ensuring your pins are valuable so you can give your audience what they are looking for.

Pinterest is pretty easy for photographers because you don’t need to create fancy graphics—you can just post your beautiful photos! All you need to do is ensure that your pin titles and descriptions are well-optimized. 

If you’re looking for tips and tricks on how to run your own Pinterest (and write those keyword rich Pin titles and descriptions!) here’s a free guide for you!

Include Your Blog Posts

Linking a relevant blog post to your pin is a great way to increase traffic to your website. If you don’t already know, blogging is the best way to make yourself visible on Google.

The more traffic to your website, the better as it means you have a higher chance of ranking on page one of Google and being found by more ideal clients. Therefore, I highly recommend that you utilize how well blogging and Pinterest work hand-in-hand.

If you’re looking for blog topic ideas, I’ve got you covered. Here you’ll find 15+ blog post ideas for your your wedding or elopement photography business!

Photographers, Are You Ready to Thrive on Pinterest?

It is time for you to show up as an authoritative source over your competitors and showcase your work on a platform that your ideal client is using. Not only is it a social media platform, but it is also a search engine, and it works so well with your website to increase its traffic.

So, now you have a guide to Pinterest for photographers, I hope you go away and start planning your pins with ease. 

If you would like some further assistance with your Pinterest strategy or if you would like an expert, like me, to manage your Pinterest and blogs, then let’s have a chat!

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